Elizabeth Creek, South Australia

Coda Minerals (ASX: COD) has released an updated Scoping Study for its 100%-owned Elizabeth Creek Copper-Cobalt-Silver Project in South Australia. The revised study delivers a material uplift in project economics, reflecting improved recoveries of copper and silver, the addition of a new open pit deposit, and optimised mining methods....

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Project Summary

The Elizabeth Creek Copper Cobalt Project is centred approximately 30 km south-east of Woomera and 135 km north-west of Port Augusta in South Australia.

The project currently covers 701 km2 in the Olympic Dam Copper Province, Australia’s most productive copper belt. The project is located 100 km south of BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam copper-gold-uranium mine and 50 km west of OZ Minerals’ Carrapateena copper-gold project.

The project mining centre lies 10 km off the sealed Stuart Highway and is accessed by established unsealed roads. Established access to electrical grid power and scheme water is available in the area. The Adelaide to Perth/Darwin railway runs parallel to the Stuart Highway.


The MG14 deposit is a concealed, flat lying body of disseminated copper sulphide mineralisation at 25m depth. It is oriented east-west and is approximately 1,400 m long by 400 m wide with a varying thickness between 3 to 8 m. A JORC 2012 compliant resource was estimated by T. Callaghan in January 2018 with a cut-off grade of 0.5% Cu equivalent.