Dubbo Project, NSW Australia
Australian Strategic Materials Limited (ASX: ASM) has been awarded a A$5 million grant under the Australian Federal Government’s International Partnerships in Critical Minerals (IPCM) Program. This funding will support the RE Options Assessment and Pilot Program at the Dubbo Project, aimed at identifying cost-effective and accelerated pathways to rare earth production....
Project Summary
The Dubbo Project is located near the Australian town of Toongi, 25 km south of Dubbo, in central-western New South Wales (NSW).
In December 2021, an Optimisation Study was completed, confirming strong financial results. The Optimisation Work simplified the Dubbo Project process flow sheet and incorporated new operating strategies that will reduce operating costs and improve ESG performance.
The Toongi Deposit is a polymetallic resource. It contains light and heavy rare earths, zirconium, niobium and hafnium. Reserves support an initial project life of 20 years, with potential for a significantly longer mine life.
In March 2023, Bechtel Mining and Metals, Inc., (Bechtel) was appointed to conduct Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) services for the Dubbo Project. The contract will deliver a critical path to final investment decision for the Dubbo Project and enhance new funding opportunities in the US.
The Dubbo Project is construction ready, with all major permits approved.